refactor(backend): subfolders and docstrings

This commit is contained in:
Julian Lobbes 2023-05-12 14:11:32 +02:00
parent f9e970afdb
commit 8b07b03ccd
12 changed files with 255 additions and 160 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
"""This module provides global application settings.
All settings are read from environment variables, but defaults are provided below
if the respective envvar is unset.
import os
from urllib.parse import quote_plus as url_encode
from functools import lru_cache
@ -15,16 +21,17 @@ class Settings(BaseSettings):
app_name: str = os.getenv("APP_NAME", "MEDWingS")
admin_email: str = os.getenv("ADMIN_EMAIL", "")
# Debug mode has the following effects:
# - logs SQL operations
debug_mode: bool = False
if os.getenv("DEBUG_MODE", "false").lower() == "true":
debug_mode = True
_pg_hostname = os.getenv("POSTGRES_HOST", "db")
_pg_port = os.getenv("POSTGRES_PORT", "5432")
_pg_dbname = os.getenv("POSTGRES_DB", "medwings")
_pg_user = url_encode(os.getenv("POSTGRES_USER", "medwings"))
_pg_password = url_encode(os.getenv("POSTGRES_PASSWORD", "medwings"))
pg_dsn: PostgresDsn = f"postgresql://{_pg_user}:{_pg_password}@{_pg_hostname}:{_pg_port}/{_pg_dbname}"
pg_hostname = os.getenv("POSTGRES_HOST", "db")
pg_port = os.getenv("POSTGRES_PORT", "5432")
pg_dbname = os.getenv("POSTGRES_DB", "medwings")
pg_user = url_encode(os.getenv("POSTGRES_USER", "medwings"))
pg_password = url_encode(os.getenv("POSTGRES_PASSWORD", "medwings"))

View File

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from .import models, schemas
log = logging.getLogger()
def hash_password(password: str) -> str:
# TODO actually hash the password!
return password
def _fill_missing_user_fields(db_user: models.User) -> schemas.User:
full_user = schemas.User.from_orm(db_user)
if db_user.patient:
full_user.gender = db_user.patient.gender
full_user.date_of_birth = db_user.patient.date_of_birth
full_user.is_patient = True
full_user.is_admin = False
full_user.is_patient = False
full_user.is_admin = True
return full_user
def create_user(db: Session, user: schemas.UserCreate):
"""Creates a new user as either a patient or an administrator."""
db_user = models.User(,
# Add user to database
if user.is_patient:
db_patient = models.Patient(
db_administrator = models.Administrator(
# Construct the updated user to return
return _fill_missing_user_fields(db_user)
def read_user(db: Session, id: int):
db_user = db.query(models.User).filter( == id).first()
if not db_user:
return None
return _fill_missing_user_fields(db_user)
def read_user_by_email(db: Session, email: str):
db_user = db.query(models.User).filter( == email).first()
if not db_user:
return None
return _fill_missing_user_fields(db_user)
def read_users(db: Session, skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100):
db_users = db.query(models.User).offset(skip).limit(limit).all()
full_users = []
for db_user in db_users:
return full_users
def update_user(db: Session, user: schemas.UserUpdate, id: int):
db_user = db.query(models.User).filter( == id).first()
current_user = _fill_missing_user_fields(db_user)
for key in ['gender', 'date_of_birth']:
value = getattr(user, key)
if value is not None:
setattr(db_user.patient, key, value)
for key in ['email', 'first_name', 'last_name']:
value = getattr(user, key)
if value is not None:
setattr(db_user, key, value)
if user.password is not None:
db_user.password = hash_password(user.password)
return _fill_missing_user_fields(db_user)
def delete_user(db: Session, id: int):
db_user = db.query(models.User).filter( == id).first()
user_copy = _fill_missing_user_fields(db_user)
user_copy.updated =
return user_copy

backend/crud/ Normal file
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backend/crud/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
"""This module handles CRUD operations for users in the database, based on pydanctic schemas."""
from datetime import datetime
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from backend.models import users as usermodel
from backend.schemas import users as userschema
def hash_password(password: str) -> str:
"""This is a placeholder for a secure password hashing algorithm.
It will convert a plaintext password into a secure, salted hash, for storage
in the database.
# TODO actually hash the password!
return password
def _fill_missing_user_fields(db_user: usermodel.User) -> userschema.User:
"""Fills all the fields of an instance of userschema.User that cannot be filled by pydantic.
This function is necessary because the userschema is not a one-to-one reflection
of the database data model. I did not want the 'patient' and 'administrator'
database table to be encoded as their own top level JSON keys in serialized
user object. Instead, the user schema combines all fields from all user types.
This function fills the optional fields, depending on what type of user is
passed in.
full_user = userschema.User.from_orm(db_user)
if db_user.patient:
full_user.gender = db_user.patient.gender
full_user.date_of_birth = db_user.patient.date_of_birth
full_user.is_patient = True
full_user.is_admin = False
full_user.is_patient = False
full_user.is_admin = True
return full_user
def create_user(db: Session, user: userschema.UserCreate) -> userschema.User:
"""Creates the specified user in the database."""
db_user = usermodel.User(,
# Add user to database
if user.is_patient:
db_patient = usermodel.Patient(
db_administrator = usermodel.Administrator(
# Construct the updated user to return
return _fill_missing_user_fields(db_user)
def read_user(db: Session, id: int) -> userschema.User | None:
"""Queries the db for a user with the specified id and returns them if they exist."""
db_user = db.query(usermodel.User).filter( == id).first()
if not db_user:
return None
return _fill_missing_user_fields(db_user)
def read_user_by_email(db: Session, email: str) -> userschema.User | None:
"""Queries the db for a user with the specified email and returns them if they exist."""
db_user = db.query(usermodel.User).filter( == email).first()
if not db_user:
return None
return _fill_missing_user_fields(db_user)
def read_users(db: Session, skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100) -> list[userschema.User]:
"""Returns an unfiltered range (by id) of users in the database."""
db_users = db.query(usermodel.User).offset(skip).limit(limit).all()
full_users = []
for db_user in db_users:
return full_users
def update_user(db: Session, user: userschema.UserUpdate, id: int) -> userschema.User:
"""Updates the user with the provided id with all non-None fields from the input user."""
db_user = db.query(usermodel.User).filter( == id).first()
if not db_user:
raise RuntimeError("Query returned no user.") # should be checked by caller
for key in ['gender', 'date_of_birth']:
value = getattr(user, key)
if value is not None:
setattr(db_user.patient, key, value)
for key in ['email', 'first_name', 'last_name']:
value = getattr(user, key)
if value is not None:
setattr(db_user, key, value)
if user.password is not None:
db_user.password = hash_password(user.password)
return _fill_missing_user_fields(db_user)
def delete_user(db: Session, id: int) -> userschema.User:
"""Deletes the user with the provided id from the db."""
db_user = db.query(usermodel.User).filter( == id).first()
if not db_user:
raise RuntimeError("Query returned no user.") # should be checked by caller
user_copy = _fill_missing_user_fields(db_user)
user_copy.updated =
return user_copy

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from .config import get_settings
engine = create_engine(
get_settings().pg_dsn, # Get connection string from global settings
echo=get_settings().debug_mode # Get debugmode status from global settings
SessionLocal = sessionmaker(engine)
Base = declarative_base()

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"""This module configures and provides the sqlalchemy session factory and base model."""
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from backend.config import get_settings
s = get_settings()
# The SQL driver is specified by the DSN-prefix below.
_pg_dsn = f"postgresql+psycopg2://{s.pg_user}:{s.pg_password}@{s.pg_hostname}:{s.pg_port}/{s.pg_dbname}"
engine = create_engine(_pg_dsn, echo=s.debug_mode)
# SQLalchemy session factory
SessionLocal = sessionmaker(engine)
# SQLalchemy base model
Base = declarative_base()

View File

@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
import logging
"""Main entry point for the MEDWingS backend.
This module defines the API routes provided by the backend.
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from . import crud, models, schemas
from.database import engine, SessionLocal
import backend.models.users as usermodel
import backend.schemas.users as userschema
import backend.crud.users as usercrud
from backend.database.engine import SessionLocal
log = logging.getLogger()
app = FastAPI()
@ -24,43 +25,44 @@ def get_db():
def hello():
"""Placeholder for a proper healthcheck endpoint."""
return "Hello World!""/users/", response_model=schemas.User)
def create_user(user: schemas.UserCreate, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
existing_user = crud.read_user_by_email(db,"/users/", response_model=userschema.User)
def create_user(user: userschema.UserCreate, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
existing_user = usercrud.read_user_by_email(db,
if existing_user:
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="A user with this email address is already registered.")
return crud.create_user(db=db, user=user)
return usercrud.create_user(db=db, user=user)
@app.get("/users/{id}", response_model=schemas.User)
@app.get("/users/{id}", response_model=userschema.User)
def read_user(id: int, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
user = crud.read_user(db=db, id=id)
user = usercrud.read_user(db=db, id=id)
if not user:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f"No user with id '{id}' found.")
return user
@app.get("/users/", response_model=list[schemas.User])
@app.get("/users/", response_model=list[userschema.User])
def read_users(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
users = crud.read_users(db=db, skip=skip, limit=limit)
users = usercrud.read_users(db=db, skip=skip, limit=limit)
return users
@app.patch("/users/{id}", response_model=schemas.User)
def update_user(id: int, user: schemas.UserUpdate, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
current_user = crud.read_user(db=db, id=id)
@app.patch("/users/{id}", response_model=userschema.User)
def update_user(id: int, user: userschema.UserUpdate, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
current_user = usercrud.read_user(db=db, id=id)
if not current_user:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f"No user with id '{id}' found.")
return crud.update_user(db=db, user=user, id=id)
return usercrud.update_user(db=db, user=user, id=id)
@app.delete("/users/{id}", response_model=schemas.User)
@app.delete("/users/{id}", response_model=userschema.User)
def delete_user(id: int, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
user = crud.read_user(db=db, id=id)
user = usercrud.read_user(db=db, id=id)
if not user:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f"No user with id '{id}' found.")
return crud.delete_user(db=db, id=id)
return usercrud.delete_user(db=db, id=id)

View File

View File

@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
"""This module defines the SQL user model for users.
All users are either Patients or Administrators.
import enum
from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String, DateTime, Date, Enum, CheckConstraint
from sqlalchemy.sql.functions import now
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from .database import Base
from backend.database.engine import Base
class User(Base):
"""Model for the users table. Contains user info common to all user classes."""
__tablename__ = "users"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True, index=True)
@ -20,11 +27,11 @@ class User(Base):
administrator = relationship("Administrator", back_populates="user", uselist=False, cascade="all, delete")
patient = relationship("Patient", back_populates="user", uselist=False, cascade="all, delete")
#patient = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True)
#CheckConstraint("(administrator=NULL AND patient!=NULL) OR (administrator!=NULL AND patient=NULL)")
class Administrator(Base):
"""Model for the administrators table. Contains user info specific to administrators."""
__tablename__ = "administrators"
user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE"), primary_key=True,)
@ -32,11 +39,15 @@ class Administrator(Base):
class Gender(enum.Enum):
"""Gender (as assigned at birth) of a patient."""
male = 'm'
female = 'f'
class Patient(Base):
"""Model for the patients table. Contains user info specific to patients."""
__tablename__ = "patients"
user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE"), primary_key=True)

View File

View File

@ -1,13 +1,25 @@
"""This module declared the pydantic schema representation for users.
Note that it is not a direct representation of how users are modeled in the
database. Instead, the User schema class contains all attributes from all user classes
as optional attributes.
I haven't figured out a smart way to do this with pydantic yet, so behold the
inheritance hellhole below.
from datetime import datetime, date
from abc import ABC
from typing import Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel, validator
from .models import Gender
from backend.models.users import Gender
class AbstractUserInfoValidation(BaseModel, ABC):
"""Base class providing common field validators."""
@validator('email', check_fields=False)
def assert_email_is_valid(cls, email):
if email is not None:
@ -37,7 +49,14 @@ class AbstractUserInfoValidation(BaseModel, ABC):
raise ValueError("Date of birth cannot be in the future.")
return dob
class AbstractUser(AbstractUserInfoValidation, ABC):
"""Base class for attributes common to user creation and user representation.
A user must be either a patient or an administrator. If a user is a patient,
they must specify valid 'date_of_birth' and 'gender' attributes.
email: str
first_name: str
last_name: str
@ -50,6 +69,8 @@ class AbstractUser(AbstractUserInfoValidation, ABC):
def assert_tegridy(cls, is_admin, values):
"""Ensures logical model integrity when optional fields are set."""
if values['is_patient']:
if is_admin:
raise ValueError('User cannot be both patient and admin.')
@ -62,6 +83,8 @@ class AbstractUser(AbstractUserInfoValidation, ABC):
class UserCreate(AbstractUser):
"""Scheme for user creation."""
password: str
password_confirmation: str
@ -76,6 +99,16 @@ class UserCreate(AbstractUser):
class UserUpdate(AbstractUserInfoValidation):
"""Scheme for user updates.
All fields here are optional, but passwords must match if at least one was
Note that even administrator updates can specify 'gender' and 'date_of_birth'
fields, the function inserting the update into the db should handle this (and
just ignore the fields).
Switching user types is prohibited.
email: Optional[str]
first_name: Optional[str]
last_name: Optional[str]
@ -99,6 +132,12 @@ class UserUpdate(AbstractUserInfoValidation):
class User(AbstractUser):
"""Final representation of all types of users, wrapped into one User schema.
The id, created and updated fields are filled by the db during creation, so
they are not needed in the parent classes.
id: int
created: datetime
updated: datetime