# Thesis proposal This is my thesis proposal document and presentation. ## How to write the proposal The outline of a research proposal looks as follows: 1. Background - Introduce the background information about the chosen topic - Reading some literature is necessary, the advisor may provide some suggested literature 2. Motivation - Clearly state the problems that need to be solved 3. Objectives - Clearly state the objectives and expected outcomes of the research that can solve the problem 4. Tasks - A workflow or a list showing how the objectives can be achieved and what approaches will be applied - A Gantt chart or a time table can be used to demonstrate how the tasks will be split according to a timeline (SMART milestones) 5. References - List references in [Vancouver](https://guides.lib.monash.edu/citing-referencing/vancouver) style with abbreviated journal names, or refer to the [NLM Guidelines](https://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html) > **SMART milestones** > S = Specific - target a specific area for improvement > M = Measurable - quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress > A = Assignable - specify who will do it > R = Realistic - state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources > T = Time-limited - specify when the result(s) can be achieved ## Literature Research I have used the following search queries: ```text TITLE-ABS-KEY (("patient" OR "clinical" OR "medical") AND ("deterioration" OR "instability" OR "decompensation" OR "admission" OR "hospitalization" OR "escalation" OR "triage" OR "emergency")) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "early warning" OR "early warning score" OR "warning" OR "score*" OR "EWS" ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "system*" OR "automat*" OR "smart*" OR "wearable*" OR "internet of thing*" OR "IOT" OR "digital" OR "sensor*" OR "signal" OR "intelligen*" OR "predict*" OR "monitor*" OR "sreen*" OR ( ( "vital*" OR "bio*" ) AND ( "marker*" OR "sign*" OR "monitor*" ) )) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( 'continuous' OR 'outpatient' OR 'home' OR 'remote' OR 'domestic') TITLE-ABS-KEY (("patient" OR "clinical" OR "medical") AND ("deterioration" OR "instability" OR "decompensation" OR "admission" OR "hospitalization" OR "escalation" OR "triage" OR "emergency")) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "early warning" OR "early warning score" OR "warning" OR "score*" OR "EWS" OR "early warning system" OR "rapid response system" ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "Avoidance" OR "Prophylaxis" OR "Preclusion" OR "Anticipation" OR "Hindrance" OR "Obviation" OR "Deterrence" OR "Preemption" OR "Abstention" OR "Restraint" OR "Inhibition" OR "Exclusion" OR "Repression" OR "Suppression" ) ```