
Medwings is the Mobile Early Deterioration Warning System. It is a prrof of concept for a remote patient monitoring system, designed for use by elevated-risk patients outside of direct medical supervision, such as at home or on the go.

The application utilizes smart medical devices to access vitals data gathered by users remotely. Data is aggregated, and a clinical early warning score is calculated based on the readings.

A detailed explanation and formula can be found here.


Sensitive Configuration Data

To avoid leaking sensitive configuration data, such as database passwords or API keys, all such values are stored in the .env-file.

Prior to running the application, you must create a file called .env in the project root. The file contains the following environment variables:


You should set the values of the following variables:

variable description value
PG_PASSWORD password for the PostgreSQL admin user a random string of 32 characters
GOTIFY_USER name of the Gotify admin user a random string of 32 characters
GOTIFY_PASSWORD password for the Gotify admin user a random string of 32 characters
GOTIFY_PUBLIC_URL URL where your public Gotify server can be reached a random string of 32 characters
WITHINGS_CLIENT_ID Your Withings API client id see (Withings API)[/app/withings/]
WITHINGS_CLIENT_SECRET Your Withings API client secret see (Withings API)[/app/withings/]

Starting the dev environment

Once your environment vars are set up, you can run the backend and webserver, by running the following command:

sudo docker-compose -f development.docker-compose.yml up --force-recreate --build --remove-orphans

In a separate terminal, you should also start the frontend asset bundler:

npm run start

It supports file watching and automatic recompilation of the project's CSS and JS bundle.

Running commands inside the container

To run commands inside the django container, run the following:

sudo docker exec -itu django medwings-django <command>

Run database migrations inside the running container like so:

sudo docker exec -itu medwings-django python migrate

To enter django's interactive shell, run:

sudo docker exec -itu medwings-django python shell

Application design

The application is split into different modules, each handling a specific responsibility:

  • core: global files and configuration
  • authentication: user creation and login/logout management
  • medwings: everything related to vitals data and MEWS calculation
  • gotify: interfaces to the notification server
  • withings: interfaces to the Withings API
Code, Data and Paper for Medwings - My bachelor thesis.
Readme 73 MiB
Python 44.8%
HTML 34.1%
CSS 14.3%
Dockerfile 3.4%
JavaScript 3.2%
Other 0.2%